
How To Time Travel With Turnips And Earn Up To 20,000,000 Bells In An Hour!


How To Time Travel With Turnips And Earn Up To 20,000,000 Bells In An Hour!

"A guide on how to time travel with turnips... Again.. >.< Revised. Hopefully improved!"

🕐 Posted 4 years ago

Irina 4 years ago

Hi Mel :) thank you for all the information regarding turnips and time travel! I will try that! Btw: I guess I will have a good turnip price this week... total it is allerdings at 191. I will let u know here in the forum area.

Irina 4 years ago

Sorry, the auto-correction of my phone... Today turnip price is already at 191 :)

Mel 4 years ago

Hello Irina. We're not worried about it until it's over 400.. 350 the lowest.. Posting anything else is like me posting a price for 42.. >.< We're in the new pinned chat room if you'd like to talk to us.

Elizabeth 4 years ago

Hi I’m from Momoland! I’m still a bit confused about how this works or where to find the chat? I do giveaways daily and would really love to hook up with a community that could support my gift giving habit lol!

Elizabeth 4 years ago

Figured it out thanks to you Mel! Thanks for always being such a great person and helping me with my giveaways!

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