Hybrid Flowers, Fruit Types, Game Items, Weed Pulling, Rock Garden Building, Chat With Mel.
Hybrid Flowers, Fruit Types, Game Items, Weed Pulling, Rock Garden Building, Chat With Mel.
🕐 Posted 3 years ago
Mel 3 years ago
so you haven't progressed in the game yet, understood
Mae 3 years ago
I have cleaned and done the buildings that tom nook told me to do but no daisy Mae yet.. I am doing something wrong?
Mel 3 years ago
no, just need to keep progressing in the game Mae, you're too new and I forgot about that, sorry
Mel 3 years ago
get museum up and looking spiffy with the art work, have town hall finished, talk to red.. so many things you gotta do.. build your Sister's..
Mae 3 years ago
Ok, I’ll keep fishing my way up.. haha no weeds finally yayy!