
Please say your villagers! I will say mine too!


Please say your villagers! I will say mine too!

"Cherry, Zucker, Marina, Flurry, Stitches, Chevere, MInt, Static, Chrissy, and Amelia."

🕐 Publicado hace 4 años

Shruti hace 4 años

Tangy, Bangle, Annabelle, Merry, Phil, Hazel, Flurry, Astrid, and Poppy

Shruti hace 4 años

Anyone here?

Marin hace 4 años

My mom has Poppy! My brother used to have Bangle but he got rid of her.

Brooke hace 4 años

Puddles, Stitches, Sherb, Marshal, Cousteau, Hamlet, Olive, Rhonda, Whitney, and Merengue.

Por favor, no compartas información personal

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